through all the stresses in life , ya just gotta get away sometime and just breathe
and Zions is just the place where we do that!
Its crazy how the Lord has his plan and we are just the pieces to the puzzle.
With all of this we decided that Andy cannot go back and work at the cabinet shop anymore, its definitley not stable, and horrible on his health!
So he's going back to school to get his special ed teaching degree at Western Governor University! And subsitute teaching in the meantime! I am proud of him for taking this leap of faith with me! I'd rather us struggle a little more, for the next year and a half while our kids are young and have a career he loves, stable and good for our family where we can feel secure in the future! On top of that he will have a better chance at a head coach position at a high school once he starts teaching, which is his ULTIMATE CAREER:)
GEE....I am sooo grateful for this man! He is so supportive of me and believes in me and better yet lets me be ME!!!! I am different and he loves everything about me!!!Which gives me the confidence to go after my goals! He is such a great priesthood holder and a great example to our boys! He is a hardworker and will do whatever it takes to take care of his family! He really does just do whatever it takes to keep us happy!
On top of all that he is a Role Model for all the young men he works with! they just love him and respect everything he says! He is an amazing coach, and that is a talent!
I am sooo excited for his new adventure in life and for the happiness it will bring him and our family!
I love you Andy
Me trying a new workout....Hiking Zions while carrying a 45lb solid kid!;)
He is always full of energy and says the funniest things , seriously!!!
You can't be around him without him asking..."whats your name?", "Wheres your kids?", "Wheres your dog", "what are you doing?" ..... and the list goes on!!!!
He is full of life and is getting braver in his almost 3 yrs of life!
He is such a sincere , genuine kid and is such a support to us in this time!!!
Love you Maj! (ill be back to more maj)
Check out whose in the pool.....
My Ledge Mister!!!!! Now this kid is just like his dad!!!! Oh boy he has the cutest face,
looks innocent but, always up to something!
He turned one in June kind of got ripped because of all the chaos that was going on at the time!
This kid though is just what we needed to our little family!
He minds his own business, is always smiling and if he's not happy he will let you know!
Legend climbs on everything he's not suppose to and very determined!!! He does not give up easily!
He is still a mama's boy and a daddy's boy if he can't have mom!
He is very active and is never one to just hold still!
He is a very picky eater, if we can even get him to his dad
Legend loves his brother very much and loves to do whatever Maj is doing!
He might be skinnier than Maj but with Maj as his big brother he will definitely be able to hold his own on the field!
He is such a special spirit to our family and completes the Clan...for now!:)
I love you Ledge!
Thank goodness...
I personally think its our dear nursery leaders that he loves , they are the cutest little grandma and grandpa and remind us alot of grandma Mitzi and Pops!!! Grandpa Nursery ( thats what we call them) kind of looks like pops a little but, he is so nice to Maj and plays with Maj the whole time and Grandma Nursery is very loving, accepting and sweet to Maj like Grandma Mitzi!
So he feels like he's at Pops and Grandmas house on Sundays:)
Today we went to a farewell of one of Andys kids, and as we were leaving Major was devasted that he wasn't going to nursery!!! I am sooo grateful for Majors spirit and example to us!
He is the ultimate prayer reminder and has turned into his mom at giving prayers too:)
He says the funniest things like "Mom, are you kidding me?" or "Look into my eyes" or
"Oh my gosh, are you serious?" he is so grown and learns things soo fast it amazes me!!!
He is so concerned for others too and really cares about what happens to people!
Gosh, this kid is going to be somethin else, thats all I can say:)
Love him!
Check out who is swimming? if you know my Andy, you know he hates the water!
Well not anymore! In our new place we have a community swimming pool and he now swims
with me and the boys often! This is a HUGE step for us! This means more family time fun together! Usually , I would just take the boys swimming and Andy would stay home but now he's made the huge sacrifice to get over his fear, fetish or whatever and take a dip with us!
Now he's asking to go swimming:) YES!!!
It's taken me 3 1/2 years but he's worth it!
Good job babe;)
My Little Ledge!
This kid is just joyful and full of life!
He reminds us what life is really about!
So we moved into a new place about 2 months ago!
And we LOVE it! Our view is beautiful, it's 100 yards to my studio, around the corner from Dixie High, down the street from the temple and close to everything in town!
It truly is a blessing, especially with the one car situation! The Lord has been good to us with blessing us with this perfect condo!
Even though we went from 4 bedroom house in the suburbs to 2 bedroom condo in Garden South (everytime i tell people where we live they also have to bring up the condos below us falling off the mtn. i just say well we love it and atleast we have somewhere to live!) We really do love it! I can finally RELAX in our new spot and enjoy my couch a little more, I don't feel like I should be doing something! It couldnt be more perfect for our little family at this time!
Most of all it feels like a Home (thanks to my sister Tonya who helped me decorate)
and our home!
Im serious when I say I never wanna leave I love it so much!
I think because it's Our new start together and not Andy's house that I moved into.
For whatever reason I am grateful and we are so excited to be here!
Garden South E9, come visit!
Our view at Night!!!! Love , Love