Tuesday, February 5, 2013

BIG NEWS!!!!!!!! #3

We are so STOKED!!!! Finally, Baby Stokes #3 is on its way!!!!
We couldn't be happier, yes of course stressed but this is the Lords will and plan!!!
When I told Andy he said " I told you that a month ago , when you started acting crazy" lol he knows me!!! My boys are still not sure some days they want a little baby and some days they want a baby puppy! Either way they are getting a baby:) We can't wait to have this little piece of heaven in our home!!! This pregnancy is definitely different, I already feel like I'm 5 months along...with every symptom in the book....maybe a girl:)
Little Stokes is a comin...

1 comment:

  1. YAYYYYYY!!! So excited for you! I am praying for a girl...but you do have the cutest dang boys!!! CONGRATS!

