Tuesday, December 28, 2010


When I was about 8 months pregnant with Legend, Latisha my sista talked me into going to this zumba aerobic class at The Warehouse here in St.George. Let me tell you my 1st time I was a train wreck!!! Seriously, even with all my years of dancing and teaching you would have thought i had never heard a beat in my life. Everyone is a regular and knows the routines to each song that they do and when a new comer comes in, especially 8 months pregnant it's a sight to see:) Well being the type of person I am with the "I dont't care what people think" attitude that I've got, I've stuck it out and now I am a ZUMBA MASTA!!!! Ok , hahaha not really, OK not at all!!! But I have really grown to love it and love the fact that I get to dance like a total maniac and its OK! The Warehouse makes it totally great because it's dark with strobe lights, so nobody is watching you shake your thang thang, no mirrors, to see your crazy self and, an awesome instructor who actually can dance who you aspire to Zumba like:) So if you haven't tried it , I suggest you take your girls nights to Zumba night at the Warehouse instead of the Chili's or Applebee's. You'll thank me later! It's the best!!!! Remember you can't be a pro the 1st time you gotta keep going:)

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